Fighting for a Healthy and Free Tennessee

Fighting for a Healthy and Free Tennessee

When it comes to women’s reproductive rights, we’re in a moment in history when we are seeing so many setbacks. ... We are losing abortion access. We are just up against a slew of terrible policies at the state level. And it’s still very hard to get people to focus on state politics. … But there are also opportunities to organize in radical ways that we haven’t in the past. And, if women are going to survive this onslaught of horrible laws, organizing and fighting back are the only way.

It's Time to Hit The Streets! It's the Only Way for Women to Take Charge of Their  Reproductive Futures

It's Time to Hit The Streets! It's the Only Way for Women to Take Charge of Their  Reproductive Futures

When Roe goes away, we need to lose the gatekeepers as well. We need to take abortion access, and the right to determine our reproductive futures, straight into our own hands, even if that means doing what we need outside of clinics, outside of the healthcare system and yes, even outside the unreasonable and medically unnecessary boundaries of the legal system, too. And we all need to commit to that decision, and do it together, hand in hand.

Why Midterms Matter

Why Midterms Matter

All alarms are warning of a clear and present danger. Now is the time to rally your families, your friends, your neighbors to get out the vote for Democratic candidates.We are spiraling toward dystopia. We need a Blue Wave to hold the Trump administration in check. We need a Blue Wave to restore America to America. We need a Blue Wave to save humanity and the plant. Your life depends on your vote!