Below is information on key dates in the Midterm Election cycle, a short list of Pro-Choice candidates we support, as well as a link to the Pro-Choice candidates who will be on your ballot Election Day.
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 6, 2018
Gretchen Whitmer
For Governor
“If elected, Whitmer said she would work to stop anti-choice legislation and ‘continue to protect the investments that we make in our local public health offices—education for young people, access to birth control.’ Whitmer expressed hope that Democrats could take back the Michigan House of Representatives but said, ‘if necessary, I have got the backbone of titanium to hold the line on further attacks eroding women’s health care.’”
- Gretchen Whitmer (source: Rewire News)
She has been endorsed by:
Emily’s List
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan
… and other organizations that support her Democratic ideals
Dana Nessel
For Attorney General
“We’ve weathered some brutal attacks on women’s access to vital reproductive health care over the past few years, and it’s time Michigan’s women and families had an Attorney General who used their power to protect our rights instead of chipping away at them. Dana Nessel has spent her entire career fighting – and winning – on behalf of the people who need it most.
- PPAM President and CEO Lori Carpentier (source: Pride Source)
She has been endorsed by:
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan
… and other organizations that support her Democratic ideals
Jocelyn Benson
For Secretary of State
She has been endorsed by:
Emily’s List
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan
… and other organizations that support her Democratic ideals
Sen. Debbie Stabenow
For U.S. Senate
She has been endorsed by:
Emily’s List
NARAL Pro-Choice
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
… and other organizations that support her Democratic ideals
It’s time to vote for change. Get the #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide and gain access to all of the progressive, pro-choice champions on the ballot in your zip code.
The #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide includes every race on the ballot highlighting #VOTEPROCHOICE endorsed prochoice champion candidates (those that have been carefully vetted by #VOTEPROCHOICE ). The guide also aggregates endorsements from their partner organizations with an emphasis on reproductive rights and reproductive justice — including NARAL Pro-Choice America, EMILY’s List, Run for Something, Blue America, The Collective PAC, Democracy for America, MoveOn and more. They’ve also included anti-choice organizations like Right To Life and NRA endorsements to provide critical transparency of the candidates’ positions.