Below is information on key dates in the Midterm Election cycle, a short list of Pro-Choice candidates we support, as well as a link to the Pro-Choice candidates who will be on your ballot Election Day.
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 6, 2018
Senator Sherrod Brown
For Re-election to the U.S. Senate
"Today, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that women -- not politicians -- should be able to make decisions about their own health care. Despite today's victory, our fight to protect women's reproductive health rights isn't finished. More states, including Ohio, are moving to strip all federal funding for health care facilities like Planned Parenthood and make it harder for Ohioans to get life-saving cancer screenings, HIV/AIDS prevention and contraception education. We must continue fighting to ensure that women and men who rely on these critical services get the health care they need."
- Sherrod Brown on Supreme Court ruling to protect women’s health care in Texas (source:
He has been endorsed by:
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Other organizations that support his Democratic ideals
Aftab Pureval
For Ohio’s 1st Congressional District, U.S House of Representatives
“Women’s rights are human rights, and I will always, always stand with women.”
- Aftab Pureval (source:
He has been endorsed by:
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Other organizations that support his Democratic ideals
Danny O’Connor
For Ohio’s 12th Congressional District, U. S. House of Representatives
“I’m honored to have the support of NARAL because the men and women in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District deserve a representative in Congress who will stand up to politicians in Washington who want to block funding or take access to crucial family planning and preventative care services away. .. Together, we’re going to fight to preserve and expand access to reproductive health care.”
- Danny O’Connor (source: NARAL Pro-Choice America)
He has been endorsed by:
NARAL Pro-Choice America
Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Human Rights Campaign
Other organizations that support his Democratic ideals
Ohio’s mostly Republican legislators have repeatedly and overwhelmingly voted against women’s reproductive rights. It’s time to vote for change. Get the #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide and gain access to all of the progressive, pro-choice champions on the ballot in your zip code.
The #VOTEPROCHOICE Voter Guide includes every race on the ballot highlighting #VOTEPROCHOICE endorsed prochoice champion candidates (those that have been carefully vetted by #VOTEPROCHOICE ). The guide also aggregates endorsements from their partner organizations with an emphasis on reproductive rights and reproductive justice — including NARAL Pro-Choice America, EMILY’s List, Run for Something, Blue America, The Collective PAC, Democracy for America, MoveOn and more. They’ve also included anti-choice organizations like Right To Life and NRA endorsements to provide critical transparency of the candidates’ positions.